However, if you did not get caught by Mrs Turner, it will have an impact in later episodes. You can stop anytime, which will result in not getting caught, but you won’t have enough lust points by Day 2 to choose the Revealing Outfit.If you choose you don’t want to peek, you don’t get the peeking scene (obviously) and you can’t get enough lust points until Day 2 to choose the Revealing Outfit.Peeking will result in a scene where you peek on Mrs Turner, and present a series of other choices.You get to revisit this decision in a future episode, but it’s not without consequences. You can also choose between going to Marcus’ weekend party.Choosing to stay silent will get Mrs Turner a few different dialogue lines, and it’s hilarious.
You should have trust, he is your best friend after all, right? Trust with Marcus will play a big role in later episodes. If choosing to warn Marcus, you get +1 Trust with him.Warn Marcus about Mrs Turner listening or stay silent & Party Invite.39 Related Post Episode 1 Day 1 – Dreams of Desire Walkthrough 2023